patience the evils entailed by the vices and follies of its
inhabitants, I sailed away from the accursed island of Tamtonia, I
left behind me
the most pestilent race of rascals and ignoramuses to be
found anywhere in the universe; and I never can sufficiently thank
the divine Power who spared me the disadvantage and shame of being
one of them, and cast my lot in this favored land of goodness and
right reason, the blessed abode of public morality and private
worth--of liberty, conscience and
common sense. I was not, however, to reach it without further
detention in barbarous countries.
After being at sea four days I was seized by my mutinous crew, set
ashore upon
an island, and having been made insensible by a blow upon the head
was basely abandoned. MAROONED ON UG When I regained my senses I
found myself lying on the strand a short remove from the margin of
the sea. It was high noon and an insupportable itching pervaded
my entire frame, that being the effect of sunshine in that country,
as heat is in ours. Having observed that the discomfort was abated
by the passing of a light cloud between me and the sun, I dragged
myself with some difficulty to a clump of trees near by and found